Procurement Activities Basic Policy

See here for Procurement Activities Basic Policy.

Established on April 1, 2019
Revised on July 20, 2021
Revised on November 10, 2022
Revised on May 8, 2023
Revised on Jan 1, 2024

Under the corporate philosophy “Dedicated to the Fight against Disease and Pain,” we at Ono Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. have been contributing to society by developing pharmaceutical products. We believe that sound business operations cannot be achieved only by ourselves and that it is essential to obtain the understanding and cooperation of all stakeholders involved in procurement, research, development, production, and distribution.
To promote sustainable procurement, we have established the Procurement Activities Basic Policy and the ONO Sustainable Procurement Code for Business Partner, eventually leading to achieving sustainable social development throughout the supply chain. In addition, we agree with the main purpose of the “Council for Advancing Partnership Development for the Future” promoted by the Cabinet Office, the Small and Medium Enterprise Agency, and others, and by building a sound network with our Business Partner in the supply chain and building further cooperative systems, we aim to increase the corporate value of Ono Pharmaceutical and our Business Partner.
Basic Policy for Procurement Activities
All Ono Pharmaceutical employees involved in procurement activities are required to comply with the Basic Policy for Procurement Activities, created based on Ono Group Code of Conduct, OPJP Compliance Policy, and Anti-Bribery and Corruption Global Policy.

Procurement Activities Basic Policy

  1. Compliance
    We will comply with relevant laws and regulations in Japan and other countries, and we will act based on high ethical standards

  2. QCD (Quality・Cost・Delivery) improvement
    We will pursue QCD to ensure stable delivery of high-quality drugs

  3. Respect for human rights
    We will respect fundamental human rights and perform our duties without unjustifiable discrimination.

  4. Consideration of the environment
    We will be conscious of the need to protect resources and conserve the environment in our procurement activities.

  5. Fair distribution of opportunities
    We will provide opportunities for all suppliers to compete in a fair and transparent manner.

  6. Information management
    We will recognize the importance of all information collected through our procurement activities and manage the information in an appropriate manner.

  7. CSR promotion throughout the supply chain
    We will work closely with suppliers to further facilitate sustainable procurement based on “ONO Sustainable Procurement Code for Business Partner”, thereby contributing to enhancing the sustainability of society as a whole.